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Rupture to Rebirth


Life is a journey not a destination.....

My path has been woven with many threads, most of which have been  strongly in my masculine – from navigating the corporate world to being a professional kickboxer. But it’s not until I connected with the gentle softness of the feminine, through sensuality, feeling, creativity and dance, that I truly discovered strength and power.

Throughout this journey, there has remained a deep calling to heal and serve. Initially, this took the form of a biomedical sciences degree. But I soon realised there are many dimensions to health leading me to explore an array of healing arts. Through studying homeopathy, reiki, nutrition and functional medicine, somatics, life coaching and sexual therapy– I have learned that each have valuable tools for healing and growth.

But it wasn’t until I had a complete breakdown and became consumed with depression and anxiety that I truly embarked on my own healing.  Only then was I able to release deep trauma and use it as a force for transformation. Learning how to truly love and honour myself, I finally broke free from the negative thought patterns, cycles of addiction and destructive behaviours that had been all consuming. 

The perpetual numbness dissolved.  Embracing pain and learning to feel again, I  reconnected with my purpose and passion for life.

Only from the ashes of who we were can we rise up and be all that we are meant to be......

For the old must be broken for something new to be born


10 years ago, I set up an award winning fully integrated health clinic. It stemmed from a vision that exploded effortlessly into manifestation. But after a few years of working all hours and sacrificing basic needs, I had burnt myself out. Followed by a series of events that left me with PTSD, my whole life fell apart and I couldn’t go on. I was Disconnected, numb and Lost

Every day I cried as a lifetime of suppressed pain bubbled over. My Body so heavy I could barely move. Eyes permanently red and swollen

But underneath the pain there was a sense of peace, as every tear that fell dissolved tension in my body and deepened connection to my heart.


Removing myself from the distractions of life I went into nature.....

Grounding in the stillness I came to a place of peace, connection and clarity. I remembered who I was and what I loved.

Motivation grew with every release.

Starting with small changes I made an effort to eat properly and declutter my home. I reconnected with feeling in my body through dance, somatics and tantra.

The TV went off and the music came on,

I spent evenings reading and planning. Each act a conscious intention to be better. 

My Experience

  • BSc. Biomedical Science

    (Kings College London) - gained a thorough understanding of how the body functions in health and disease

  • BSc. Homeopathy

    (CHE) - an alternative understanding to health that considers environment, energetics, physical, mental and emotional state as a collective

  • Personal Training & Nutrition

    (Premier Global) Level 3 diploma giving me an understanding of functional movement

  • Trauma Informed

    I have attended multiple trauma workshops and completed short courses in somatics given by industry leaders.

  • Breathwork

    I have been learning and practicing multiple techniques of breathwork including Wim Hoff, Holotrophic and pranayama

  • Holistic Sex Coach

    (Temple of the feminine) - a blend of somatics, embodiment practises and tantra to cultivate sexual healing and awakening

  • Co-founded The London Clinic of Nutrition

    Award winning functional medicine clinic that has successfully treated thousands of patients with complex and chronic health complaints

  • Short courses and workshops

    tantra, ecstatic dance, voice activation, art therapy, Reiki, grief management, and shiatsu


Complete Health Program

Delivered through a selection of luxury hampers, you will be taken on a program of complete transformation through physical, mental, emotional & sexual well-being.

Weekly Classes Workshops

Fun filled days of connection, expression, creativity and embodiment. Each workshop is different containing a blend of movement, sensuality, art and breathwork

Luxury Health Hampers

Each hamper is designed to target a core pillar of heath with a simple protocol and everything you need to follow it. Delivered through elixirs, gummies, supplements, creams, oils, functional foods and drinks – the process of health and self care has never been a more simple and pleasurable process

I have learned the tools for growth and how to navigate the contractions of life…..  And now it is my soul’s purpose to inspire, guide and empower other women on their own journey of transformation.

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